the environment

Corporate social responsibility is one of the core values at MÁIS. Corporate social responsibility is one of the core values at MÁIS. For this reason, our activity respects the communities it takes place in: an extremely low carbon footprint; the use of locally sourced resources and labour; environmental care; use of solar energy and hydrological resources;  quality finishes featuring optimised acoustic features; and respect for people, taking age and the limitations of the disabled into consideration.

We are BREEAM® certified and this is our undertaking.

Visit to discover how BREEAM® is improving our planet.


We undertake to use local resources such as the rock aggregate obtained from the site excavation work. We do not use externally sourced raw materials or resources. This use of local products also prevents the impact of transporting materials such as CO2 emissions.

We have implemented an environmental management system that minimises impact on site. We also correctly process our building waste, minimising dust and mud pollution in the area around the site. We also frequently sweep the vehicle site accesses and provide training and information for workers and subcontractors, including a manual detailing the best environmental practices.

We have installed sustainable urban drainage systems. We use materials such as permeable paving stones in the urban development to reduce surface runoff generated by rainfall, enabling this water to be captured and channelled through the subsoil for storage and later irrigation of the landscaped areas.

In addition to the measures designed to reduce environmental impact, BREEAM® is also one of the strictest certification systems in terms of sustainability and health guarantees.


Thanks to measures such as plot orientation and slope gradient to take advantage of the maximum daily hours of sunshine and therefore guarantee energy savings for homes and therefore CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Thanks to the use of local plant species, working in collaboration with an ecology specialist. Autochthonous, locally sourced species that require low amounts of water, adapted to the local climate and that need little or no maintenance. We also have a protocol for the elimination of invasive species that threaten the ecosystem.

Acoustic quality achieved in collaboration with a specialist who has conducted measurements to provide recommendations that have been incorporated into the homes for enhanced user comfort.

The opportunity to experience safer, healthier, and more comfortable developments and buildings that guarantee optimum quality of life for those that live in them.

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